We approach all technology strategy decisions from the lens of capital allocation.

At Cape Sierra we understand that Information Technology serves 2 key purposes for any business organization: (1.) create value by providing systematic, reliable and repeatable processes and solutions, and (2.) mitigate risk by ensuring that the information and IP assets of the business are secure and that the systems that drive efficiencies can survive a catastrophic event and not become the subject of the latest cyber attack. We approach all technology strategy decisions from the lens of capital allocation -- should we invest to create value or invest to mitigate risk.  Our services therefore are a manifestation of this perspective.


Technology Due Diligence

As part of our M&A offering we work with private equity investors and management teams during the diligence phase to help them understand two key data points:

  1. what one-time capital investments need to be made in a target business once it is acquired 

  2. what to expect for annual operating expense of IT in the future steady state 

Typical investments to mitigate risk include upgrading old hardware, remediating security holes and creating a credible disaster recovery platform. Frequent value creation initiatives entail installing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System and  improving Business Intelligence (BI) and Analytics for better data and decision making. If the business is in the growth phase we evaluate whether a Cloud Strategy is appropriate to facilitate rapid scale-up.


CIO Advisory Services

Organizations often face new business demands and the challenge often falls on the CIO or IT Director to enable new capabilities.  During the Covid 19 pandemic organizations are struggling not only to get all of their employees connected but also to have access to technology tools as though they were in the office.  This newly found demand comes with a number of infrastructure, software and security implications.  Some IT Organizations have significant internal talent and can answer the call on their own.  Many others can benefit from advise, knowledge we possess, an introduction to best practices and sometimes just need a sounding board before making a strategic IT decision.  We provide such a sounding board for many senior IT leaders across industries.


IT Program Management

When a major transformative IT initiative is at hand it tends to be the case that there needs to be a temporary ramp up of IT capabilities to execute.  We have professionals with expertise in software, hardware, security and change management skills that we can bring to an engagement to extend your IT team.  Effective program management is important and because of the depth of our talent we are often called upon to manage key initiatives through to completion.


Interim CIO

We have developed a track record of success with stepping into the CIO role during periods of dramatic change.  Clients call us when the IT function is underserving the business or there is a need for significant IT transformation on many fronts, as is often the case with acquisitions.  When the deal is a carve-out we are called upon to stand up an entirely new organization quickly--people, processes and technology.  Our private equity clients in particular rely on us in such situations as they move quickly, demand results and need accountability fast.  We understand what is required during these critical periods.  We execute our carve-out or transform IT playbook, help hire the full-time IT staff, often including the permanent CIO, and turn over the keys when our goals are accomplished.
